weight loss

Get Fit and Fabulous: 9 Workout Tips for Rapid Slimming

Make intensity your new workout motto if you want to drop pounds and get a skinny physique. High intensity training through interval workouts, strength training and challenging cardio exercises will turbocharge your results. Follow these 9 tips to get the most out of every workout.

Tip #1: Strength Train 2-3 Times Per Week

Strength training raises your metabolism by building lean muscle which continues burning calories even at rest. Start with compound lifts that work multiple muscle groups at once like squats, lunges, pushups, rows and deadlifts. Aim for 8-12 repetitions and take 60-90 seconds of rest between sets.

Tip #2: Do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Interval workouts that alternate between periods of max exertion and recovery raise your heart rate quickly and force your body to use carbohydrates for fuel. Try sprint intervals on a treadmill or cycling sprint/recover periods. You’ll torch calories for hours after a 10-20 minute HIIT workout.

Tip #3: Do Cardio 4-5 Times Per Week

Steady state cardio burns calories but for maximum fat loss, up the intensity by jogging inclines, increasing speed or taking shorter recovery periods. Opt for higher impact options like climbing stairs, cycling, jumping rope or swimming laps to engage more muscles and accelerate weight loss.

Tip #4: Try Circuit Training Workouts

Circuit training where you perform strength moves then transition right into a cardio exercise, resting only briefly between circuits burns the most calories. Try a circuit of squats followed by jumping jacks, pushups then high knees, and lunges then sprints in place.

Tip #5: Incorporate Bodyweight Exercises

Your own body resistance is all you need to build muscle and burn fat. Try exercises like planks, pushup variations, squats, lunges and jumping exercises to keep workouts challenging. Aim for shorter 10-30 second rest periods in between moves.

Tip #6: Prioritize Compound Movements

Multijoint exercises work large muscle groups and burn more calories. Focus on compound lifts like squats, lunges, pushups, pullups, hip thrusts, step ups and deadlifts to stimulate fat loss from head to toe.

Tip #7: Focus on Total Body Workouts

Workout plans that target all major muscle groups in one session raise metabolism highest. Try a total body circuit of pushups, squats, lunges, plank holds and bicep curls supersetting 2 exercises at a time for maximum benefits.

Tip #8: Rest Less Between Sets

Reduce rest periods to 45-90 seconds between strength training sets to keep heart rate elevated and burn more calories during your workout. Take only the minimum amount of rest needed to complete your next set with good form.

Tip #9: Increase Intensity and Weights Over Time

Progressive overload is key to results. Every 2-4 weeks, either increase the weight you lift, number of repetitions, duration or incline to stress your muscles and challenge your body.

Intense high intensity training will yield the most results in the shortest time. Focus on compound lifts, circuits and interval training. Make intensity a habit and you’ll get a skinny, toned physique faster than you think. Start pushing your limits more during workouts this week – your new body is waiting!

Also: Start Strong, Stay Strong: Beginner-Friendly Exercise Routines for Women

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